Something a little bit different for the blog today. My first film reviews :) I am a massive film fan and was thouroughly impessed by the films i saw this week after not having been to the cinema in six months!
So here goes...
I have just got back from the cinema, (the second time this week i must add). I have to say the films i saw were fantastic.
On Wednesday I saw X-Men:First Class, I know I'm a bit of a geek. I wasn't expecting much from this film as its the fourth in the series of films but they picked a great cast.
To be honest I had read nothing about the film beforehand, all i knew about it was that it was a prequel and starred James McAvoy as Charles Xavier. I loved the fact it was set in the 60s and the clothes were gorgeous, Mystiques costume and make up was exceptionately flawless. Janurary Jones looked amazing, I think she's definately got the look of a 60s girl down after starring in Mad Men. I know Erik (Magneto) becomes the villain in the later films but i couldn't help but like the character in this film. He was portrayed very well by Michael Fassbender and I thought the freindship between him and Charles was heartwarming.

I was quite impressed by Nicholas Hoults performance as Beast he has definately grown up and I found I could take him a lot more seriously as an actor after this role as i had been disappointed by his perfomance in Skins previously.I loved the scenes featuring Raven aka Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence) they showed that there was so much more to her, that she's fun and not just wanting to kill people and told you how amd why she became one of Magneto's henchmen, Although i did secretly hope she would end up with Beast as they seemed to have chemistry.
I enjoyed the film thoroughly and am very much hoping they will release a sequel soon to tie up the story lines that left me hanging such as what happened to all the first X-men between this film and the first.
Overall I'd give this film a 5/5 I'd highly recommend it and I wouldn't say it was necessary to watch the previous films to enjoy this one.
Today I have just got back from watching Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides.
Having seen the previous three films in the cinema, I couldn't wait for the fourth to be released on dvd and insisted that I see it on the big screen.
I enjoyed this film, although a few moments were quite predictable and at one point i did think :enough with all the sword fights, get on with the story!
Johnny Depp didn't seem as mad as he had in the previous three films (especially the last one), I think there was a distinct lack of rum in this film.
I adored the storyline between Philip and Syrena and longed to see more of them. I think Astrid Berges-Frisbey did very well considering she had to learn English for the role and I can't wait to see Sam Clafin's performance in Snow White and the Huntsman.
Sitting here thinking about it i can only seem to think of more critisisms of the film and am not sure what I liked about it, I'm still hoping they do a fifth film as there were storylines left hanging but i don't know if that would be a good choice as the story may go downhill and I know there are many bad reviews on this film. All i can say is that it was worth the money and it was an enjoyable 137mins so I'd give it a 3/5.
I hope you enjoy this post and didn't get too bored with me waffling on.
If you've seen either of these films i would love to know what you thought of them.
And here's a parting question for the X-Men fans, if you could be any character who would you be??
Jennifer x